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USA Trademark Registration - Custom Offer
This service includes:A preliminary study and assessment of the proposed trademark, including its compliance with the Amazon Brand Registry. An Exact-Match, Mid-Word, and Prefix U.S. Federal...
fixed Rate
Stat. of Cont. Use + App. for Renewal
This service includes: 1. A study of the status of the trademark registration. 2. Gathering from client of all the necessary pieces of information for the preparation of the Statement of Continuous...
fixed Rate
Response to Office Action - 1 Issue - Non-Substantial
Response to Office Action refusal low difficulty issue. Please do not use this offer unless you have been instructed to do so and you have been provided a link to it by the project manager.
fixed Rate
5-Year Post Registration Management
This service includes:New Power of Attorney - After registration the P.o.A. on record expires.U.S. Licensed Attorney and  U.S. Domestic Representative on record for US Domestic Entities...
fixed Rate
Australia Trademark Registration
This service includes:A preliminary study and assessment of the proposed trademark.An Exact-Match, Mid-Word, and Prefix Trademark Availability Search which will avoid refusal of the registration for...
fixed Rate
Stat. of Continuous Use
This service includes: 1. A study of the status of the trademark registration. 2. Gathering from client of all the necessary pieces of information for the preparation of the Statement of Continuous...
fixed Rate
USA Exact-Match and Mid-Word Search
This is a preliminary search of the USA Federal Register of Trademarks performed by professionals. It is a powerful start! It will be delivered This search aims to catch those trademarks that should...
fixed Rate
Canada Trademark Registration
This service includes:A preliminary study and assessment of the proposed trademark.An Exact-Match, Mid-Word, and Prefix Trademark Availability Search which will avoid refusal of the registration for...
fixed Rate
Ext. of Time for Stat. of Use
This service includes: A preliminary study of the status of the mark.Preparation and Filing of the Request of an Extension of Time to file the Statement of Use by the US Licensed Law firm in the...
fixed Rate
Response to Post Reg. Office Action - Custom Offer
Response to Post-Registration Office Action - Audit
fixed Rate
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